Data from our most recent potable water samples are in line with the Drinking Water Quality Standards which are compliant with SANS 241;15 standards.
In order to comply with the National Environmental Legislation (National Environmental Management Act, No. 107 of 1998), the Department of Water Affairs promulgated a Regulatory Performance Measurement System in terms of the Water Services Act (Act 108 of 1996), or commonly known as the Blue Drop and Green Drop Certification which applies to the water treatment and distribution systems and the sewage treatment and reticulation systems. Since the inception of the Blue & Green Drop Measuring System our aim is to comply to all requirements and strive for excellence.
Our water quality is in compliance with SANS (South African National Standards) 241:2015. This standard regulates the quality of drinking water for all water service providers in the country and the testing regime is very robust. We conduct daily and weekly testing of our water and waste water and testing is conducted by an independent laboratory as well.
It must be noted that the last Blue & Green Drop certification took place in 2014 and to date we do not have any indication as to when this Regulatory Performance Measurement System will be reactivated.