Corporate Social Investment
Investing in communities, Siza Water works closely with local ward councilors to identify viable and suitable projects.
Community Upliftment
Siza Water places a stringent emphasis on reinvesting within the community. For this purpose, the company established the Siza Water Youth & Community Development Fund (YCDF) that supports projects within its service area. The YCDF works closely with local communities, schools, NGO’s and other non-profit organisations within Siza Water’s service area to identify projects that serve the purpose of uplifting the poorest of poor and providing hope and light to them.
Former President Nelson Mandela has stated that; “Education is the most powerful tool that you can use to change the world.” In line with this, Siza Water places a strong emphasis on education and as part of the YCDF bursaries are awarded to students for tertiary studies. The bursary covers a needy student’s tuition fee and text books.
The bursary scheme has provided a platform for students to realise their dreams by easing the financial burden in pursuing their studies. The YCDF, has been positively impacting local communities by building creches, breakfast kitchen and supporting a multitude of community projects all geared towards enriching the lives of our brothers and sisters.
After all, service to man is service to GOD!